If you want to make sure that you are able to keep your feet healthy not just for physical activity, but also to benefit your overall health, it is important to find the help of a podiatric sports medicine professional that can help. To be sure that your feet are taken care of, you'll want to not just reach out to a clinic that can see you regularly, but also follow a few important foot health tips.
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Has the pain in your heels made it difficult for you to wear shoes unless they are removed in a short amount of time? Although inflammation is one of the main things that cause pain, there are numerous things that could be wrong with your feet. It is in your best interest to make an appointment with a podiatrist, like Cortez Foot & Ankle Specialists, so he or she can make a diagnosis.
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An ingrown toenail can make it uncomfortable to wear shoes. This condition occurs when the nail starts to curve and grow into your skin. It creates a painful border in between your nail and nail bed. Common symptoms may include pain, tenderness, redness, swelling and infection around your toe. An ingrown toenail can cause infection to set in fast so it helps to see a podiatrist as soon as possible. Read to find out how to find relief from this condition with avulsion.
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As the summer months approach, more people begin to walk around barefoot or use open-toed shoes in order to enjoy the warmer weather. Since your feet will be exposed more often during this time of year, it helps to have smooth, clean feet so you can feel confident. Here are a few all natural products you can make at home that will make your feet feel and look more beautiful without shelling out a lot of cash at the drug store or beauty salon.
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Plantar fasciitis is a foot condition that causes you to experience pain generally located near your heel bone. It's caused by an injury or inflammation of the long tendon that runs from the front of your foot to the back of it. Some of the risk factors for this condition include obesity, long periods of standing on your feet, walking on the hard pavement, wearing improper footwear or anything else that causes more stress to the bottom of your feet.
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