MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging, and it is a technique that medical professionals use to get a very detailed picture of the internal body structures. Medical professionals enjoy using the magnetic resonance imaging technology because it allows them to get a much more detailed image than what they could get by using ordinary X-ray technology.
Magnetic resonance imaging is a very useful thing because it allows medical professionals to see if there is any soft tissue damage and identify any issues that may be hidden inside of the human body.
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Not only are they important for walking and moving, but your feet also act as essential parts of your body's foundation. Unfortunately, painful conditions that affect the feet can occur with age. An estimated 23 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 65 have bunions, but most people do not truly understand this condition.
Bunions cause the big toe to move towards the second toe, which often creates a bump on the outer edge of the big toe.
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If you've recently taken up running or increased the distance you're running and have pain along the front of your lower leg, you might have shin splints. This condition causes pain on the inside of the bone in your lower leg. It's caused by overuse, a gait abnormality, or tight muscles in the calf or ankle. The pain may come and go or it can be constant and severe. Here are a few treatments your podiatrist may suggest.
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If you want to make sure that you are able to keep your feet healthy not just for physical activity, but also to benefit your overall health, it is important to find the help of a podiatric sports medicine professional that can help. To be sure that your feet are taken care of, you'll want to not just reach out to a clinic that can see you regularly, but also follow a few important foot health tips.
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Has the pain in your heels made it difficult for you to wear shoes unless they are removed in a short amount of time? Although inflammation is one of the main things that cause pain, there are numerous things that could be wrong with your feet. It is in your best interest to make an appointment with a podiatrist, like Cortez Foot & Ankle Specialists, so he or she can make a diagnosis.
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