How To Prepare For Ankle Surgery

Your ankle is one of the most important joints in your body. You use it to stand, walk, run, and perform many of your daily activities. If you hurt your ankle through overuse or by tearing a ligament, surgery may be the only solution. Ankle surgery may be intimidating, but you can make it easier by preparing yourself ahead of time. Here are four tips to help you get ready for your surgery:

1. Find the best ankle surgeon.

For the best results, make sure you find a skilled ankle surgeon to work on your ankle. Ask your primary care physician for a referral to a surgeon they trust, but don't be afraid to do your own research too. It's a good idea to look up any potential surgeons online. This will allow you to read reviews so that you know exactly what to expect.

2. Plan to stay in the hospital for a couple of days.

Ankle surgery is a major procedure, and you will likely have to stay in the hospital overnight. Depending on the specifics of your particular surgery, you may even be required to stay for two days. Clear your schedule in anticipation of your treatment. Take time off from work and find someone to watch your pets and kids, if you have any.

3. Figure out an alternative mode of transportation.

If you're on pain medication, you won't be able to drive yourself home from the hospital due to impairment. However, even after your medication wears off, you'll still be unable to drive for a time. Following ankle surgery, your doctor will give you a protective boot to wear, which will keep everything in your foot and ankle properly aligned. You'll be unable to take this boot off until a doctor clears you, and you can't drive while wearing it. Ask a trusted friend or family member to drive you during this time, or plan to take public transportation or taxi cabs.

4. Stay off your ankle as much as possible.

It may take your body a while to fully heal from ankle surgery. According to BC Foot & Ankle, the recovery process can take as long as three months. In the meantime, it's important that you allow your ankle to rest so that your body can repair itself. Sit or lie down as much as possible. If you work at a job where you need to be on your feet, ask your doctor for a note that says you need special accommodations so that you can sit down at work.

To learn more, contact companies like East Village Foot & Ankle Surgeons.
